Ryan Payne

Among Ryan's many passions: UX, hockey and tofurkey.

About Us

by Peter Coish

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Watch AI Chrystia Freeland Shill Some Dumb App

We bet she’ll be thrilled to hear about this.

Display Advertising: Direct Buy or DSP – Which is Right for You?

Bypassing the middleman usually means a lower price for the buyer. But when it comes to display advertising, this truism ain’t, umm, true.

Google Downranks AI Content. But Google Is Paying Publishers to Create AI Content

Google, what the heck?

Overview of Quebec’s Bill 25

Quebec’s Bill 25, officially known as “An Act to improve the protection of personal information in the private sector,” will profoundly reshape the landscape of marketing and advertising within the province.

Impact on Marketing and Advertising

The Everything App Will Amount to Nothing

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Ryan leads all of Kuration’s web development projects.

Despite his youthful appearance, Ryan is an experienced digital media executive with over twenty years of experience delivering creative and technical expertise for web, mobile, IoT, and interactive displays. Ryan is passionate about leveraging digital strategy and design to deliver results for his clients.  He is experienced working directly with brands as well as in partnership with digital agencies supporting brands.

Since 2001, Ryan has served as the Chief Executive Officer for Lush Concepts Inc. (RBC, TVO, Tim Hortons, Toyota, Disney, Sesame Street, Cadbury, Microsoft, General Motors) which empowers clients through a range of services including strategy, design, engineering, prototyping, and systems/hosting. In 2014, Ryan became the Chief Digital Officer of Chatterbox Branding (KFC, Minto Properties) which focuses on full-service digital production for TV, print, and web.

In 2015, Ryan joined Toronto start-up, JobBliss Inc. (SaaS Freelance Relationship Management platform) as Chief Technology Officer. JobBliss is backed by the Ontario Government’s SmartStart Seed Fund and was shortlisted for the Techstars accelerator program. Ryan also advises and invests in a number of Toronto-based start-ups.

Ryan graduated from The Humber School of Media Studies and Information Technology with a focus on advertising and graphic design and he has also taught the Interactive Media Design course at the school. A hockey goalie, rookie triathlete, and avid music fan, Ryan can often be found listening to tunes and breaking a sweat at locations around Toronto.