Featuring education, John Malkovitch, and, once again, porn. It's our January round-up of the best content marketing.

The Best Content Marketing of January 2017

Featuring education, John Malkovitch, and, once again, porn.


by Peter Coish & Dave Robson

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This month in the best content marketing we can find: porn gets super progressive, Canadian content gets a birthday-induced resurgence, and John Malkovitch is still a content marketer.

Pornhub Is Serious About SexEd

Pornhub has hired sexual health expert Dr Laurie Betito to head up their Sexual Wellness Centre, a neat little sub-site devoted to sexual heath. Given that a growing number of kids get their sexual information from porn, and given that a surprising number of governments refuse to offer fact-based sexual education in their schools, Pornhub is stepping in with a tonne of content that a), puts them back in the news, b) puts them on the right side of the public health debate over sexual education and c), taps into the informative role content marketing can play. And other porn sites are following suit; xhamster is redirecting viewers from Utah to sexual health videos as a way of protesting the state’s lack of comprehensive sex education.

John Malkovitch

John Malkovitch, no stranger to content marketing, is now a fashion designer. No, really. Here’s his website. Which was created with Squarespace, who has partnered with Malkovitch to promote their service. The combination of a simple and elegant sub-site, along with this video, plays to both their strengths and makes us think about Squarespace for our next project.

Great Courses Sponsors Great Mini-Courses

RealLifeLore is one of those super interesting explainer YouTube channels, not unlike CGP Grey or Kurzgesagt. It pulls in millions of views by posting videos with titles like “How Big to Tsunamis Get?” and “Will We Ever By Hit by an Asteroid?”. The Great Courses is an educational company that produces high-quality educational videos, offering university level classes to adult learners. So it makes tonnes of sense for the Great Courses to approach a channel like RealLifeLore, who has a proven track record in terms of both creating great content and attracting big views, and pay some sponsorship money.

Concordia Hunts Down Lost Stories

Canada is turning 150, in case you haven’t heard, and it’s a pretty good opportunity for Canadian-centric content. Enter Concordia with Lost Stories. Basically, they’re looking for stories from Canada’s past that aren’t well-known and creating “inexpensive, site-specific works of public art”; the entire process is turned into a short film. Their first is about Thomas Widd, a deaf man who founded Montreal’s Mackay School for the Deaf. There’s more to come from the project, including stories about the kidnapping of Stó:lō boys during the Fraser River Gold Rush and leprosy on Sheldrake Island, so keep an eye out.

President’s Choice Wants You to #EatTogether

According to this short film, President’s Choice wants you to put down your phone and invite your neighbour’s over to dinner. According to their site, though, they’d really like you to pick that phone back up, take a picture of your meal, post it on Instagram, and then potentially win a prize from them. Mixed messages, but we like that they have turned user-created food pictures into their own content marketing.