o generate great content marketing ideas, you must put yourself in the right headspace. Here are 11 scientifically-proven ways you can be more creative.

11 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be More Creative

Coming up with new ideas for content every single day can be fun...or a real grind.


by Dave Robson

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Coming up with new ideas for content every single day can be fun…or a real grind. Before you can start generating great content marketing ideas, it’s essential to put yourself in the right headspace. And to help, here are 11 scientifically-proven ways you can be more creative.

Stand Up

Standing up while you brainstorm will make it easier to be more creative and make everyone less possessive of the ideas they come up with.

Watch Cat Videos

People who spend a half hour watching cat videos end up more energetic and positive than people who don’t get a cat video break. See, we knew there was a reason why they are so popular!

Walk on a Treadmill

People who walk on a treadmill while working get a ten per cent productivity boost; maybe because they’d like to get all their work done and then get off the treadmill.

Don’t Work Through Lunch

People who eat lunch with co-workers and do something social (play board games, watch YouTube videos together, or just chat) end up far less fatigued and get more done than people who work through lunch. Caveat: forced interaction doesn’t bring these benefits.

Write Down Your Goals . . . With a Twist

People who write down their goals along with a short paragraph about a time they persevered, showed grit, or learned from a big mistake are more likely to achieve their goals.

Get Seven to Eight Hours of Sleep

Optimal sleepers get sick half as often and get more done than people who don’t get as much sleep as they need. We also find afternoon naps reinvigorate the creative juices.

Tell Yourself It’ll Only Take Five Minutes

If you tell yourself that a task you don’t care for will only take five minutes, you’re more likely to start doing it, and once you start, you aren’t likely to stop. It’s the dumbest trick we use but it works all the time.


When you feel like you’ve come up with as many ideas as you can and you’re running on empty, stick with it for another ten or twenty minutes. People always think they’ve come up with most of their ideas right way, but if forced to keep at it they can usually meet or exceed the number and quality of ideas with a little more time.

Ditch the Open Office Plan

Open offices surprisingly lead to less co-worker interaction and less productivity thanks to loud ambient noise levels, no privacy, and low satisfaction with the workplace.

Put Down Your Smartphone

People who rely on their smartphones during creativity or problem-solving tend not to come up with good ideas or think very deeply.

Turn Off Notifications

Can’t put down the smart phone? To be more creative, at least turn off all notifications. While you’re working on a creative problem, a beep, buzz, or even visual notification is exactly as bad as being interrupted to talk on the phone.

Need more advice on being creative? Check out our series on brainstorming, our article on how to reuse your old ideas, or how to repurpose some of the content you’ve already created.