These twelve posts we wrote in 2017 are as good now as when they were written. We even think the one about KFC’s weird chicken stuff has gotten better with age, unlike actual KFC chicken.
Pepsi made a dumb commercial. But it’s pretty similar to a commercial Coke made years ago that’s still considered one of the most seminal ads ever made. So what’s going on here?
Fearless Girl? Yep, she’s content marketing. Bet you didn’t think that a bonze statue could be content marketing, huh?
The Michelin Guide is one of the most important pieces of content marketing ever made. But even though it’s been around (as we know it) for nearly a century, most businesses aren’t brave enough to try and replicate the thing that makes the guide successful.
Sure, Ajit Pai is an asshole, but did you know he also makes terrible content marketing?
This year, politicians and media freaked out when the Canadian Senate released a small children’s book explaining itself and its function to kindergarteners. In fact, Tom Mulcair hysterically told CTV that “. . . the Canadian children need to be protected from this sort of thing.” We think the whole thing is overblown and it’s actually pretty good content marketing.
Remember that time the Globe & Mail, Canada’s paper of note, ran propaganda written by the Communist Part of China? In this article, we explain everything wrong with that.
KFC does some weird content marketing. The stuff they make, like sunscreen scented like KFC and nail polish tasting of KFC, inspires some good content marketing. Their other stuff, like short YouTube videos and a romance novel, doesn’t work so well. We wrote more than you wanted to know about KFC’s content marketing strategy.
Did marketers take advantage of Canada 150? Yes. Did they do as much as they could have? Probably not. Take a look back at this post to see what could have been.
Ever heard of Fyre Media? It was supposed to be like a marketplace where very rich people could hire bands and singer directly, cutting booking agents out of the equation. That’s what the doomed Fyre Festival was supposed to be promoting. Odd, huh?
Need more creativity in your life? Well, here are more than twenty ways to be more creative every day.