The Best Content Marketing of April, 2020

Royals, Ikea meatballs, and science challenges for kids. 


by Dave Robson

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This month in content marketing, Dyson rebranded some old content for the COVID-19 age, a bunch of brands want you to make their recipes, and the Royals are embracing content marketing at a whole new level.

Dyson Put 44 Science & Engineering Challenges for Kids Online

Dyson has a reputation for high class engineering, so science and engineering challenges are a good brand fit. And given that kids who are stuck at home need either activities or some supplemental educational material, this content from Dyson is incredible. Basically, the way it works is you visit the challenge site they put up, pick a challenge card, and then watch an explainer video to better understand your challenge.

But here’s the real genius behind this content: the videos have been up for years. Since 2016. Dyson just dusted them off, built a stay-at-home-centric website with challenge cards, and got a tonne of new use out of old content.

Everyone Is Posting Recipes

Want one of those cookies that DoubleTree gives out when you check into your room? They’re sharing their recipe.


Want a funnel cake from Canada’s Wonderland? They shared the recipe along with pictures and a printable version on their site.

Want an IKEA meatball? They posted their recipe on Twitter (with obligatory assembly instructions).

All these places haven’t seen many guests this month, so sharing recipes is a good way to stay in people’s minds, especially if some of those people actually make these recipes.

The Royals Are Embracing Online Media Like Never Before

For a long time, the Queen’s annual Christmas address and social media accounts of younger Royals were the main online presence for the Windsors. But following the Queen’s speech in early April (which was viewed much more widely than her Christmas addresses), the Royals have seen many of their duties become virtual. They already spent much of their time ribbon cutting and shaking hands at institutions like hospitals and charitable organization, but social distancing means they are doing these things online in the form of content that reaches a much wider audience, is better marketing for themselves and their causes, and can live a much longer life. In the past, a lot of these interactions were small and personal. Now, they’ve become content marketing for the Royals.