The Best Content Marketing of January, 2020

Nocturnal photography, rock ‘n’ roll legends, and the best captain in Star Fleet.


by Dave Robson

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Watch AI Chrystia Freeland Shill Some Dumb App

We bet she’ll be thrilled to hear about this.

Display Advertising: Direct Buy or DSP – Which is Right for You?

Bypassing the middleman usually means a lower price for the buyer. But when it comes to display advertising, this truism ain’t, umm, true.

Google Downranks AI Content. But Google Is Paying Publishers to Create AI Content

Google, what the heck?

Overview of Quebec’s Bill 25

Quebec’s Bill 25, officially known as “An Act to improve the protection of personal information in the private sector,” will profoundly reshape the landscape of marketing and advertising within the province.

Impact on Marketing and Advertising

The Everything App Will Amount to Nothing

Elon’s cringey press release about X as the “everything app” is a case of a billionaire smelling his own farts for too long.

This month in content marketing, Apple picked up a lot of user-generated content with their photography contest, Gibson launched a long-form series, and CBS All Access a series premiere on YouTube for free.

Apple Launches #NightmodeChallenge

The new generation of iPhones has a neat feature called night mode, which makes it easier to take pictures in the dark. To highlight the feature, they launched #NightmodeChallenge, inviting users to submit their photos as part of a contest. The result has been some pretty spectacular photography shared on Twitter and Instagram. The winners of the contest will get a license fee and some other goodies, but this hashtag has already ensured that Apple has benefited from a great deal of quality user-generated content.

Netflix’s Interactive Witcher Map

Are you watching the The Witcher but finding it a bit tough to follow the three timeline structure of the show? Never fear, Netflix has a little tool to help you out. You can visit this website to see a map of the world of The Witcher along with timelines for Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri. It’s a simple but effective way to promote the series, giving fans something useful and possible future fans a more approachable way to learn about the series without having to play the games or read the books.

Gibson Launches a Long-Form Video Series

It’s the age of the long-form YouTube video. This past month, Gibson has launched a series where they speak with major names in the music business for an hour. The first episode, which features Bob Rock, has over 117 thousand views at the time of writing. Gibson’s other videos are perfectly good content marketing, but they’re comparatively short and usually struggle to reach those numbers.

The Picard Premiere Is Free on YouTube

It’s no secret that CBS All Access is locked in battle with other streaming giants like Netflix and Disney+. It’s also no secret that one of their best exclusive properties is Star Trek. Of course, customers might not want to sign up for a streaming service just to check out a show, so CBS made the first episode of Star Trek: Picard available on YouTube for free. It’s only for a limited time and only in the States, but it’s still picked up over two million views in three days.